Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Teaching files, imaging cases, and dermatology images (kodachromes and pathology slides)

Radiologic Sign of the Day (CT) for COVID: Crazy Paving

On cross sectional CT imaging of the lung, sometimes, you might see what is known as thickened interlobular and intralobular lines (opacities)...

How to read a COVID-19 Chest X-Ray – visual guide

How to read a COVID-19 Chest X-Ray - visual guide

Coronal Chest CT: COVID demonstrating Nodular and Mass-like Airspace Opacities

(RSNA) - CT Chest coronal view demonstrates multifocal nodular and mass-like airspace opacities in both lungs. Source: Song et al, Radiology...

What does COVID look like on a chest xray?

(RSNA) Case example of diffuse non-specific airspace opacities in both lungs in an intubated patient with confirmed COVID diagnosis on day 6...

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