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Hazard Pay for Nurses and other Healthcare Professionals Possible: White House, Donald Trump, and Congress in Discussion

(WASHINGTON, DC) – Over the past months since the COVID-19 outbreak, healthcare professionals have been on the frontlines of the battle. Petitions on are being signed – Add your signature here too. Some petitions even have over 570,000 signatures.

Risking their own safety and that of their families, nurses, doctors, technologists of all specialties, therapists of all specialties are fighting for all of us with altruism and courage. However, many are even getting their salaries cut or some are even laid off. How can this be?

President Trump has been arguing for hazard pay for healthcare workers.

There are discussions at the highest levels of the federal government for hazard pay. Even this week, Mitt Romney proposes hazard pay raise of up to $12 hour additional for essential workers in a recent article on CNBC.

“Health care professionals, grocery store workers, food processors, and many others—the unsung patriots on the frontline of this pandemic—every day risk their safety for the health and well-being of our country, and they deserve our unwavering support,” Romney (who has a son who is a doctor) said in a statement Friday. 

There are even multiple petitions on the website. Sign the petition today too on to advocate for Hazard Pay (and other economic assistance) for Nurses and other Healthcare Professionals.